Photo of Client Campari

Project Photos

We need HELP to build up SideMark's arsenal of
project photos.

Small budget:
  • A few weeks before a project installs, get in touch with Karen and provide her with the deets (when and where).
    Karen will schedule Trevor to photograph.
Big Budget / big client:
  • A few weeks before a project installs, get in touch with Karen! We will work the budget and schedule out together.
  • Remember sometimes Design and PM firms will split photography costs with you, so try to get them onboard.
Let us know if we CAN'T share these photos on social media.

Project Case Studies

Text Case Studies
  • A few weeks before a project finally installs, get in touch with Karen and she will get the ball rolling. All you need to do is answer a few questions. We do all the writing!
Video Case Studies
  • A project is about to install, why not ask the client for a video shoot of the space and a short interview about the project.
  • If the client is onboard, get in contact with Karen and we will work out the details with you.