
We have 2 logos: Ovals and Text .

Basic rules to follow:
  • Trademarked logos  - use when the logo will be bigger than 2" wide
  • Non-trademarked logos - use when the logo will be less than 2" wide
  • DO NOT stretch logos
  • Do not change colors. If you need a specific color, please contact Marketing.

SideMark Forms and Templates

Employees can come into this folder to grab any SideMark branded document.
  • Letterheads
  • Agenda Template
  • Meeting Minutes Template
  • Fax Forms
  • Credit References
  • Powerpoint Templates
  • Accounting forms: Vendor setup form, CC authorization form, customer information form, terms and conditions

Thought Starter Templates

Use your short-term memory - remember we talked about thought starters in the Lingo section, so you know what these are.

There are several different templates, each with tool tips to help you along the way.

Pick your favorite and reach out to marketing if you need help with formatting.

Case Studies

We are not shy about boasting about our past work. It's how we get new projects.

Find all case studies (text and video) in this folder.

All text case studies are in Powerpoint format, so it's easy to copy and paste into a RFP response or a Thought Starter.

RFP Resources 

This folder contains everything you need to do your own RFPs (except products, schedule, and pricing) - which varies by pursuit.
3 graphic templates in Powerpoint format.
All are 8.5 x 11
  • 8.5 x 11 Conservative
  • 8.5 x 11 Design Savvy
  • 8.5 x 11 Design Savvy_Greyscale
One content template in PowerPoint form - can be used with any graphic template
  • There are sample layout pages for cover letter, products, pricing, schedule, team,
    sustainability, warranty, etc.